Aloe vera is a medicinal plant which is easy for cultivation and gives considerable benefits with a very minimum investment. Because of its medicinal and ornamental properties, aloe vera is in high demand both nationally and internationally. Aloe Vera has been utilized in Ayurveda for its medicinal and therapeutic qualities since ancient times. Aloe Vera is grown commercially in India for the production of pharmaceuticals and cosmetics.
Soil and climatic conditions suitable for Aloevera cultivation
Aloevera usually grows in a wide range of soils but particularly well drained soil is suitable for cultivation since it is very sensitive to water stagnation, therefore well drained soils rich in organic manure are suitable for cultivation.
Aloevera cultivation is suitable in hot-humid conditions with an ideal rainfall ranging from 1000-1300 mm.
Land preparation
Initially for planting aloe vera the land is plowed to a fine tilth, usually 2-3 ploughings are required, 6 tons of FYM is added to the well prepared land at the time of last ploughing.
After ploughing the land is leveled and ridges and furrows are made for planting the suckers usually the spacing followed for aloe vera cultivation is 45 cm row to row distance and 40 cm plant to plant distance.
Since no seeds are used for aloe vera cultivation, Suckers are used for cultivation of Aloe Vera, suckers are raised from already existing plant roots.The suckers which are collected from the existing plants are collected and planted during the rainy season. Three to four months old suckers are planted in a pit which is 15 cm deep.

Number of suckers required per acre
For cultivating aloe vera in one acre of land would require 22000 suckers
Fertilizer management for Aloe vera
Aloevera cultivation would require very less fertilizers or it would not be required to supply fertilizers every year if the soil is rich in organic matter. Just a basal dose of 44 kg urea, 125 kg single super phosphate and 34 kg of muriate of potash is applied during land preparation along with 6 tons of FYM per acre of land.
Weed control
It is important to do weeding in regular intervals in order to keep the field free from weeds, care should be taken while removing weeds so that roots of main plants are not damaged. It is also important to do earthing up while weeding.
Irrigating the aloe vera field
Watering should not be given to plants in the first few days after planting as it may increase the chance of root rot, in summers irrigation is provided at an interval of 2 weeks, it is important to note that aloe vera leaves store a lot of water and a single irrigation per month would be sufficient for it growth and development.
Plant protection from pests and diseases
Mealy bug
For cultivating aloe vera in one acre of land would require 22000 suckers
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Leaf Spot
Black or brown spots characterized by the spores which are reddish brown in color are observed on leaves. The disease incidence is clearly evident in conditions of free moisture and at temperatures which are less than 20 °C. Hence it is important to maintain a temperature of more than 20 °C.
It takes 18-24 months for the aloe vera plant to attain full maturity, aloe vera is harvested 3-4 times a year with three to four leaf cuts from each plant. Generally the picking is carried out either early morning or in the evening. Since the leaves are regenerated the crop can be harvested for upto 5 years.

Post harvest management of aloe vera
The harvested leaves are allowed to lose the moisture for 24 - 72 hours, care should be taken that no mold growth is observed during the process.
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